Fresh Facades



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Take a look at the front entry to someone’s home, and I guarantee 9 times out of 10, you’ll have an idea of what the inside of their house looks like. Your front entry is the ultimate first impression. Outdated, worn down, or unkept front entry décor does not make for an inviting entry. Your entryway speaks volumes to your visitors and to your own outlook.  It’s easy to let the area go without updates for extended periods of time and put other projects first- trust us, we know- so let’s get to it and make our best first impression. 

We recently realized that our entryway had seen better days and had been neglected for too long. We spent right about $220 to give our front porch a much needed makeover. While our makeover was fairly minimal and we could have spent much more for a bigger impact, you can also easily cut that number in half and still get a refreshed, up to date look. Let’s discuss which items are best to update to maximize your return on your money and time.

Addressing The Issue

The first update we wanted to tackle was our address plaque. It was beyond in need of an update. It was one of those items we meant to get to shortly after we moved in but it just never happened! The plaque we had was not our preferred style and quite faded. While there are definitely some very unique, eye-catching address plaques out there, we decided to go with sleek and inexpensive stainless steel individual floating numbers. You can find stainless steel floating numbers in a variety of fonts and sizes at your local hardware store (often marked up in price) or price compare a huge selection on Amazon. These types of floating numbers work for any style of home and are the most cost effective option outside of stick on numbers.

We went with 5” black numbers in a simple transitional style font. For visibility, we like using a minimum of 5”. Many cities also have a requirement for a minimum size (often 4”) so check your local code before purchasing! A large commanding entry area may speak to an 8” or 10” number, just test before installing by blue taping the numbers in place and viewing from the street. 

Do you have a dark color exterior that you are mounting the numbers on? Consider using silver or gold numbers for visibility and pop. Are you able to easily have an electrical line run to the mounting location? LED backlit numbers can be beautiful and provide great visibility at night. 

Mounting stainless steel floating numbers is a very simple DIY project that can be done within half an hour. While it may be able to be done without (depending on material), we highly recommend using a drill. Note that if you are mounting on brick, a regular cordless drill may not have enough power. That was the case for us with brick. We needed to purchase a corded drill and drill bit set for masonry to get the job done. 

If individual floating numbers aren’t your thing, we’ve pulled together a few more options. If you are looking for something eye-catching and unique, we’ve ordered from Moda Industria for past new construction projects and have loved the look and quality of several of their designs. We have no affiliation with them, just want to share their great designs. 

Here are several customized and well priced Amazon options.



You’ve Got Mail

Our next update suggestion is not applicable to everyone, but if you have a wall mounted mailbox and it’s more than ten years old, chances are you can improve the feel of your entryway with an update. Being honest, we always struggle with wall mounted mailbox selection. Options out there are less than exciting. We’ve looked at mailboxes from traditional to contemporary and at all price points and are never wowed. There’s only so much you can do with a box. When considering a mailbox update, you’ll want to pay attention to finish/color, size, and overall style. If your address numbers, light fixture, and front gate are black, we wouldn’t recommend a bronze finish mailbox. When it comes to mixing and matching we recommend mixing metallics with solids and metallics with metallics. We do not recommend mixing solids with solids- i.e. black with brown/bronze. There’s also nothing wrong with a cohesive look and keeping your entry elements the same. 

In hindsight, I don’t like the placement of our new mailbox. It feels too high and when we find the motivation, we will likely lower it. Our entry area is a single plane, so we only have one option for a wall mounted mailbox location. If we didn’t have a highly anxious dog, we would actually prefer to go with a mail slot. We find them to be a cleaner look if you have a similar setup as we do with a flat entry façade with no wing walls for mounting. 





While certainly not a necessity, one of the easiest ways to dress up your exterior is with planters. The addition of planters gives color and texture to your entry. If you have the time or budget for regular maintenance, we love the idea of adding seasonal color and a layered look. If simple and low maintenance is more your thing, go with foxtail ferns or acorus plants like we did. 

We’ve pulled together some exciting planter options for a variety of styles and preferences. Choose planters that speak to the mood of your home and the tone you want to set. Bright and vibrant or sleek and neutral- either way they will add life to your porch and serve as a focal point.




Stepping In

You simply cannot skip over entry mats when discussing a front porch makeover. Your entry mat is one of those items that can really add personality to your space. We previously had a bright and colorful Mackenzie Childs mat that held up beautifully for years. For this quick and simple budget friendly update, we went with a lightweight neutral washable cotton Amazon option. 

Choose a mat or rug that is 3” to 8” wider than your doorway. Anything smaller will make the rug look miniature. Anything larger will make your door feel small. Make sure whatever you choose is specified or rated for outdoor use. Bonus points if it’s washable! 

If you choose a lightweight option, these adhesive weighted grippers are a must. Even the slightest breeze moved ours out of place and it drove us crazy! This $9 purchase was an instant fix. 




Changing Color 

While our next suggested update is not an update we took on with our recent refresh, changing up your front door color is likely the most impactful visual refresh you can do for your home. Painting your door is a cheap and simple DIY project that can be done in a day and will put a smile on your face each time you pass by. If you’re looking for color inspiration, check out our post on front door colors.  

Light It Up

One of the most impactful updates that can be done for a front porch update is lighting. Replacing light fixtures can feel daunting from a cost or installation standpoint. We’ve provided several cost effective options and it is important to note that many handymen or electricians can swap out fixtures in a matter of minutes for a small fee. If you are local to Houston, please feel free to reach out to us for recommendations for install. 

Visual Comfort is our go-to for light fixtures for both interior and exterior. They offer options for all styles and at a variety of price points. Keep in mind that they do run sales on many of the major holiday weekends. We are actually planning to scoop up 4 of these gorgeous lanterns to replace our front entry fixtures at 4th of July or Labor Day. Here are a few more options in a variety of sizes and styles.






Final Thoughts

See our before and after below. Once again, this was done for $220. We will post pictures when we update our light fixtures and lower the mailbox.


When approaching a front porch refresh, set your budget and priorities first. Update items that need updating first, like a moldy ripped entry rug or a rusted mailbox. Then if there’s space in the budget, consider new address numbers, light fixtures, planters, or a new door color. Remember that this can be done in stages as well! There’s no need to take on everything at once if that doesn’t fit your time constraints and budget. Even $50 can go a long way in updating the look and feel of your entry.

Don’t forget to shop at your local garden store, Home Goods, etc., to check items out in person and find inspiration. Remember to stay true to your personal style while also being cognizant of the style of your home. For example, a mid-century modern exterior would not pair well with a New Orleans style coach lamp. Personalize your entry with colors and items that make you smile, as the more your entryway fits your style, the more joy it will bring you.  



Whether you are looking to buy or sell, we can lead you through the process with your needs and goals as our main priority. Let us be your most valuable resource.

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